Update the FireTail Scanning Role in AWS Inventory Scanning 

February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025

Additional permissions have been added to the role used to deploy this scanning integration. To get the latest benefits you can simply update the Cloudformation template in AWS. latest role permissions. This process must be repeated for each deployment where the scanner is used.

Update the FireTail Scanning Role

  1. Log in to the AWS console.
  2. In the AWS Console, search for and open CloudFormation.
  3. Find the existing Stack:
    • Locate the CloudFormation stack that contains the FireTail scanning integration.
    • The role is typically named firetail-scanning-role.
  4. Click the stack to open. Select Update in the upper-right corner.
  5. Click Replace existing template.
    • Use the following URL for the updated template: https://firetail-prod-us-east-1-cf-templates.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/files/firetail-iam-role.json
  6. Paste this template replacement into the Amazon S3 URL field. Click Next.

7. Click Next in Specify stack details screen.

8. Acknowledge the changes by selecting the required checkbox. Click Next.

9. Click Submit to apply the update.

10. The update process will begin, and the role resource will be modified. Go to the Resources tab and wait for the status to change to UPDATE_COMPLETE.