Specifications overview

May 9, 2023
February 14, 2025

Specifications can be used to group information for an API. Creating a specification on the platform allows you to view the inventory data. Learn how to Create a specification or Generate a specification based on API request logs

You can view specifications that you have uploaded in the APIs or Applications tab in the platform.

From the APIs tab

1. Navigate to Inventory in the FireTail platform and select the APIs tab.

2. Select the API you created the specification against.

3. Click the Specifications tab. All uploaded specifications for this API are displayed.

4. Click the specification you want to view.

From the Applications tab

1. Navigate to the Applications tab on the FireTail platform

2. Select the application that contains the relevant API.

3. Select the API you created the specification against.

4. Click the Specifications tab. All the uploaded specifications for this API are displayed.

5. Select the specification you want to view.

Specifications information

The Overview tab provides details about the application and API to which the specification data belongs.

Applying filters

Use the left-hand menu to add filters. Request methods are grouped under relevant folders. Click on a request method to apply it as a filter. Click again to clear the selection.

Add additional filters to the request by clicking Add filter group.

You can also add additional filter groups:

  1. Click Add filter group.
  2. Select the required element from the Type dropdown.
  3. Choose the appropriate Operator.
  4. Enter a Value.
  5. Click Submit.

To add any further conditions to this filter, click Add condition.

Edit filters

You can edit a condition within a filter, to do this:

  1. Click the condition you want to edit.
  2. Make changes to the Type, Operator and Value as required.
  3. Click Submit.

Delete filters or conditions by clicking the corresponding bin icon.

Filter by date

  • Filter information by predefined periods like Last hour, Last day, Last month, or Last 3 months.
  • Select Custom to enter specific start and end dates.
  • Set the data refresh interval using the Polling interval dropdown.
  • Graph

    The graph displays the number of API requests for the selected app within the chosen time frame, reflecting applied filters.

    Requests table

    The requests table lists the incoming requests and their details. Any filters you have applied are reflected in the table.  You can also filter the requests table by Status and Method. Click the filter icon and select how you want to filter. Click OK to apply. You can sort the table by Date created and Execution time. To sort by ascending, click the up arrow icon, to sort by descending, click the down arrow icon.

    To expand on individual requests, go to the Action heading, and click View details. More information about the request including the response and request body is displayed.


    Navigate to the Details tab to view more information about the request method, such as the path parameters and any possible responses. Select the required request method on the left menu to view its specification.